Testimonials Of Patients Treated from Menses Problem
HAIRLOSS PIMPLES treatment by acupuncture at SARCGOA MONICA (English)2
14 years agowww.sarcgoa.com, 0091 9823060191, MONICA was suffering from HAIRLOSS PIMPLES was totally cured by Acupuncture treatment at SARC-Goa...
MIGRAINE and menses problem treated by Acupuncture at SARC-Goa Research Centre
10 years agowww.sarcgoa.com. LAILA SOMATH was having MIGRAINE and menses problem from years and got rid of problems by acupuncture treatment at Dr...
LEUCORRHEA EXCESSIVE BLEEDING treatment by acupuncture at SARCGOA Hospital REKHA MENEZES (English)
14 years agowww.sarcgoa.com, 0091 9823060191, REKHA MENEZES was suffering from LEUCORRHEA EXCESSIVE BLEEDING was totally cured by Acupuncture...
| Irregular Menses | PCOD | Treatment with Acupuncture at SARC-Goa Hospital Eng
2 years agoMy name is Mrs. Sonia Kedar and I was suffering from irregular menses along with PCOD. I tried different treatments but no effect.
| Menses Problems | Fibromyalgia | Depression Treatment with Acupuncture at SARC-Goa Hospital Eng
2 years agoMy name is Mrs. Sonali Wadwani and I was suffering a lot of problems like severe body aches and fibromyalgia, menstrual problems, depress...